# Client Interfaces

The _Prtcl Typescript interfaces can be used as the basis to introduce the architecture of a _Prtcl application.

# Client

The most basic interface is the Client (opens new window) interface.

A Client role is to create, read, update and delete a perspective head.

A set of changes to perspectives that include creating, updating and/or deleting one or multiple perspectives is called an EveesMutation.

A Client exposes the update(mutation: EveesMutation) method which can batch create, update and/or delete multiple perspectives at once.

An EveesRemote, for example, extends the Client interface.

These are the essential parts of the Client interface:

export interface Client {
  /** get a perspective head,
   * include a Slice that can be used by the client to pre-fill the cache */
    perspectiveId: string,
    options?: GetPerspectiveOptions
  ): Promise<PerspectiveGetResult>;

  /** create/update perspectives and entities in batch */
  update(mutation: EveesMutationCreate): Promise<void>;

  /** convenient methods to edit a single perspective or set one entity at a time */
  newPerspective(newPerspective: NewPerspective): Promise<void>;
  deletePerspective(perspectiveId: string): Promise<void>;
  updatePerspective(update: Update): Promise<void>;

# ClientMutation

A ClientMutation (opens new window) is a Client that is designed to live on top of another "base" Client, and that stores all the changes made relative to that base Client.

Once these changes are stored, a ClientMutation offers the option to flush() them into the base Client as a single update() call.

These are the essential parts of the ClientMutation interface:

export interface ClientMutation extends Client {
  base: Client;

  /** get all the changes relative to the underlying client */
  diff(options?: SearchOptions): Promise<EveesMutation>;

  /** sync all the temporary changes made on this client with the base layer,
   * if levels = -1 (or undefined), then recursively flush the base layer,
   * otherwise flush only a number of layers equal to levels */
  flush(options?: SearchOptions, levels?: number): Promise<void>;

  /** delete all changes done and cached in this client. */
  clear?(mutation?: EveesMutation): Promise<void>;

# ClientRemote

A ClientRemote is simple a Client with a remote id, a function to synchronously snap new perspectives (create the id of a perspective) and an EntityRemote, where all the entities associated to perspectives stored in that ClientRemote should be persisted.

These are the essential parts of the ClientRemote interface

export interface ClientRemote extends ClientAndExploreCached, Ready, ConnectionLogged {
   * The id is used to select the remote from the listed of available Remotes.
   * The defaultPath is used to simplify "get" or "create"s operations that dont receive a path.
  id: string;
  entityRemote: EntityRemote;

    perspective: PartialPerspective,
    guardianId?: string
  ): Promise<Secured<Perspective>>;

# ClientExplore

As already mentioned in the Explore section, querying for perspectives based on their content, links and children is done by a ClientExplore. A client explore simple adds the explore() method to a Client.

export interface ClientExplore {
    searchOptions: SearchOptions,
    fetchOptions?: GetPerspectiveOptions
  ): Promise<SearchResult>;